Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I just read the brit's blog about getting revenge upon a driver by leaving a bag of dog poo on the car hood.  I do love that.  I have often done similar things and have felt good at the 'passive' revenge I felt.  I think revenge feels better when passively done. 

I am still picking LOTS of cukes and every day and canning them, either sweet or dilled.  Today I am going to the store to pick up some peppers to make some of the dills a little spicy.  We'll see how those turn out and whether the fam likes them.  The nurse boy really likes the bread and butter pickles so I'm making some of those too. 

I bought some beautiful peonies for my daughters the last weekend and they were sure nice.  Wish we could grow them here.

Was going to buy some keets but have decided against those.  The chicks are growing quite fast and should be laying soon.  The little horse is doing nicely and seems to enjoy the farm.


  1. Hey hey! I wanted to let you know that you need to turn on/add the ability to let people follow you. That way we can post your link on our blogs. For example, if I was following you, on the side of my page, it would show "Blogs I follow" and every time you update, it will show that you update on my blog and then people who come visit me, can see your posting and click on the link on my blog and then it will take them to you. That's how you get more and more people visiting. If you have trouble with it, I'll check it later when I get back and see what the steps are.

    I am enjoying your posts, keep up the good work!!

    1. OK, so maybe I don't know how to turn this thing on. Advice if you please!

  2. You've got it set to subscribe but you want the 'followers' feature. It's simple. Go to your dashboard, and click on "design" tab.

    That's where you will find all the gadgets to add to the the side over here ------>

    Choose "add a gadget" and a new window should pop open and you'll see a list of all the things you can add. The most important one you want is "followers". Just click on it and save and it should be there. Then we can all start following you.

    You can add other things there too, like the number of page hits and a search box or a list of things you like, stuff like that.

    Email me if you have troubles.
