Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The weekend was long.  I read all of these blogs that everyone really likes and puts on their blog site and it struck me that many of the bloggers are gay.  Interesting that my girls are gay but I usually hear from only their friends and their opinions.  I enjoy reading others opinions and ideas and am really glad that I stumbled onto this site.  Found another one today, the guys live in Michigan and one drives a hearse! 

Jack the alaskan dog barked all last night and since he sleeps on the porch I heard him VERY clearly.  I finally got tired of it and yelled at him and, guess what, he was quiet the rest of the night.  Jack is a very weird pup.  when my roomie in alaska came home one day and said would I mind her getting a pup, I told her everyone needed a pup of their own (I have the two chihuahua's).  she made the decision to get the pup and brought him home. (TWo weeks later the mother and all the rest of the pups were dead)  He was the cutest bundle of white fluff and he was constantly being harassed by the chi's who absolutely did not believe that other pups ought to be allowed in their house.  When roomie came home to Seattle she brought Jack but could not find an apt to allow that large of a pup so she sent him to the farm to live.  Jack is BIG and hairy.  And hen I say hairy I mean hairy.  I allowed him into the house until he got used to the farm and the amount of hair that dog dropped was just unbelievable!   so, he now lives outside at least most of the time.  I have one of those screens that you see advertised on TV (you tack it to the door frame and when you go in or out it snaps back together with magnets) and Jack makes regular use of it.  when he comes in he will sneak into the kitchen (he is a counter surfer) and when told to get out, he backs up two or three feet where you can't see him and lays down.  when you see him again and tell him to get out he does the same thing.  He can't hide though because his nemesis the chi's bark at him and EVERYONE knows he is still inside.  He is so funny.  I worry about him in the summer heat.  during the 'snowstorm of the century' in alaska he would stay outside even during the snowstorm and would survey his domain from the top of a HUGE pile of snow.  He loved his snow mountain.

I wonder if one day some mother with a child that is gay will even think about it.  I hope she will only think in terms of LOVE!!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

got up just after the crack and sprayed my grass around the garden with vinegar and orange oil.  will work for a few weeks but it works and naturally too.  got the pup ready to get her arthritis shot from vet, went past feed store and got feed.  chores done, well I've still got to pick garden this evening during the cool.  saw a giant club of a cuke when I was spraying so I'm still missing some. 

fixig rice right now.  shoud be watching it so I don't burn it.  Leads me to a family story.  We are cajun partly and we like our rice.  My brother always cooked the rice in his family but always ended up burning it.  His wife decided that enough was enough and she wasn't gonna take it anymore so she found this "new" product for my bro and brought it home.  It was called 'dat dat ta da dddddaaaaa'  SUCCESS RICE.  In a mesh packet, you just put it in a pot of boiling water and pulled it out when ready.  No more burned rice . . . . . . except, later she smelled burning rice and rushed to the kitchen.  Seems bro just left it and the water boiled out and the rice in it's nice plastic mesh bag had burned so badly that she had to throw away her pot along with the burned rice.  and so it went!!!!!

No wind this morning and there is always wind on the top of my hill.  found out there are 20 pads in my little area ready for oil drilling.  Nothing on my farm yet and I WANT a WELL.  Guess my running out to the gate naked waving my arms to try to get the rig trucks to stop at my place hasn't worked.  I wonder why??????

got to figure out how to post pics.  Chore for the day.  Bye

Friday, May 25, 2012

First day, first blog.  I am accustomed to writing a journal but this seems to be the rage these days and I want to rage too.  At 69 yoa, I feel I am heading to somewhere but I just don't know where that might be hence the title of this blog.  I really enjoy reading others blogs and on some I laugh like crazy so maybe I can contribute to making someone else's day as laughable as some have made mine.
I named my farm Stargate Farm when I first purchased my 45 acres because living here after moving from Houston felt like I was moving to a 'different world'.  It still feels that way almost 20 years later. 

For the last four years I have worked in Alaska, in two small Eskimo 'bush villages' accessable only by plane or boat.  I was there during the drought of 2009 when I lost most of my trees and one 'beautiful' huge peach tree.  that drought even killed an old native pecan tree in the paddock.

My farm used to be cultivated for soy and corn but now I only have Jiggs and Tifton planted.  I have 1 old horse (cantankerous), three totally useless donkey's (they like to eat bananas and vanilla wafers), one borrowed bull (don't know yet whether he has played with the girls or not), 5 cows, four old ones and one that is my 'lesbian' (named Motyl (butterfly), age 15 years.  Two big outdoor dogs, (one from alaska) and two very yappy chihuahua's.  I have 20 buff orpington chicks and two lovely guinea's.  I plan to get some more keets soon.

I am an old lady.  I have two new knees, mostly lab teeth and a new eye thingy (cataract).  I am too fat and I need to lose weight but . . . . .  (enough on that subject).  I have a daughter who is a Travis county sherriff's officer, a son who is a nurse and another son who is (the black sheep and I haven't talked to him in nearly 20 years).  One younger sister and one older brother.  I like genealogy and money.  I am working a contract part-time gig in a small community about 20 miles away and I hope to be working through September but there's no tellin' when I'll lose out on this job.  Have applied to three schools as a counselor but I think they'll not hire me because I'm too 'old' in their minds.

Since I'm just learning how to blog I hope to experiment with photos tomorrow.